Monday, July 4, 2011

Razzle Dazzle Noir. Happy Fourth from the BombShells!

Operation Razzle Dazzle took place at 5 a.m. this morning as the BombShells and their man can-do helpers  gave Northside a cute patriotic fiber look just in time for their own annual Fourth of July parade.

(We had to take the photos before the dawn's early light, so that's why these Operation Razzle Dazzle images look a bit more noir than glitzy.)

And just like the photo sez, Pinky Shears does indeed have a posse and this morning it included yours truly, Nellie Bomb, Sushi Girl, Babzy BS, FrogRoyale, J Bomb, Orson Welles, James Bomb, Stitches, Rasta Man, Big Foot, Wip, Boo Radley and Yum Yum Delish.

Many trees and poles and a few benches and branches received some BombShell love in this teensy tiny taste of the shape of things to come.

We celebrated our independent spirits this morning by bonding together to make the world prettier, one cute object at a time. We thank the early morning passers-by for giving us a thumbs up and for keeping our secret secret. We also thank the people who make alarm clocks and coffee. And yarn. And holidays. And we also especially thank the double-top-secret (but soon to be revealed) super great people and organizations who are helping to make our work both possible and slightly legal.

So get out there, you crazy kids! Light a sparkler! Make a flag! Kiss a sailor!

We'll be seeing you soon.

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